You may have noticed on the sidebar that my current location has changed. This time last week, E and I said our goodbyes to Maui, and returned to New England. It was an interesting first week back:
Monday night we slept on a beach in Hawai’i, Tuesday night we slept on a bench in the San Diego airport, and Wednesday night, after more than 24 hours of traveling, we slept in a bed at E’s parents’ house in New Hampshire. It was our first time sleeping in a real bed in two months!
After just one day of recovering from our jet lag, we were off again! Luckily, we were only driving an hour and a half to Montpelier, Vermont for the Green Mountain Film Festival’s 48-Hour Film Slam. I live-tweeted our adventures there writing, filming, and editing a 7-minute movie over the course of 48 hours. It snowed the whole weekend, and it was hard to believe we were swimming in the ocean just a few days earlier. If you’re interested, I’ll be writing a post about the film slam later this week, and sharing a link to our movie, which I directed (my directorial debut!).
For now, we’re back at E’s parents’ house relaxing, playing video games, and plotting our next move. Plus, I’m drinking lots of tea while sitting by the wood stove.
Tonight, I’m enjoying Zhena’s Gypsy Tea “Coconut Chai” — a yummy, organic, fair trade tea with sweet and spicy notes. Because it’s a chai, the base is black tea, and the blend is spiced from there. This one includes cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, cloves, nutmeg, orange peels, and black pepper, and according to the Zhena’s website, it’s one of their bestselling blends. It also has a hint of coconut — just enough to remind me of where I was only a week ago.

Here end the gratuitous cat photos.
If you were hoping to hear more about my experiences gardening, hiking, whale watching, and generally living in Hawai’i, don’t worry, this won’t be my last post mentioning Maui. I have a number of articles planned for the next couple of weeks, which will culminate in my “Maui: Last Look” post where I’ll discuss the pros and cons of WWOOFing in Hawai’i.