I’m just going to come right out and say it; growing up in a seaside town with a goofy group of friends, I’ve done my fair share of skinny dipping. So I was amused while searching for things to do in Iceland when I came across Lonely Planet’s list of top 10 places around the world to go skinny dipping. Apparently, Viti Lake, which is located in a volcanic caldera in Iceland, made the cut. Check out where else Lonely Planet thinks it’s okay for you to forget your bathing suit: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/asia/travel-tips-and-articles/43817#
Weekly Travel Inspiration: Road Trips
(Weekly Travel Inspiration is a feature on this blog where I share a link, book, or film that incites my wanderlust, and might incite yours too!) It’s time for some nostalgia, friends. Thus far on this blog, I’ve mostly written about international travel, but this time last year I was enjoying the most quintessential of US travel experiences: a road trip. My boyfriend and I drove from New Hampshire to Asheville, North Carolina (which is a city I adored, just fyi). During this road trip, I went farther south in the US than I had ever been before (discounting the times I’ve flown over the Southeast states to get to…
Weekly Travel Inspiration: Nocturnal Festivals
(Weekly Travel Inspiration is a feature on this blog where I share a link, book, or film that incites my wanderlust, and might incite yours too!) A few weeks ago National Geographic Traveler tweeted their Top 10 Nocturnal Festivals. Their list included celebrations in Mexico, Japan, Vietnam, and Latvia among others. The Noche de Brujas (Night of Witches) festival in Catemaco, Mexico, which plays host to witches, wizards, and mystics sounds like a grownup Halloween. Another festival featured on this list sees “the residents of the Latvian town of Kuldiga mark the start of midsummer, or Jani, by running naked through the streets.” According to National Geographic, after they all…