Looking for America,  Travel Inspiration

Weekly Travel Inspiration: Road Trips

(Weekly Travel Inspiration is a feature on this blog where I share a link, book, or film that incites my wanderlust, and might incite yours too!)

It’s time for some nostalgia, friends.

Thus far on this blog, I’ve mostly written about international travel, but this time last year I was enjoying the most quintessential of US travel experiences: a road trip.

My boyfriend and I drove from New Hampshire to Asheville, North Carolina (which is a city I adored, just fyi). During this road trip, I went farther south in the US than I had ever been before (discounting the times I’ve flown over the Southeast states to get to Florida), and also farther west (again, discounting the times I’ve flown over the middle of the country to get to Nevada and California).

I still have a lot of states left to visit, and I’m hoping to see more of my country in the next couple of years. In the meantime, if you’re yearning for a US road trip yourself you should watch these youtube videos.

This one is a timelapse video created by Brian DeFrees to document his 12,225 mile cross country road trip, which he completed between August and October 2011.

This second video is a sillier undertaking, which shows the creator (Paul Jury) in each of the fifty states saying a stereotype about that place. This one will definitely be more amusing for people from the US, who can decide if they think he does their home justice.

So, are you inspired to get out on the open road? Have you taken a road trip recently?

Emma Holliday is well-traveled. After 5 years in Boston, she and her husband upended their lives to move to Berlin where she is currently writing a (funny) book about travel and grief and attempting to learn German.

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