• Link Round-Ups,  Travel Inspiration

    Travel Linkspiration: August 2013

    This has not been a traveling summer. Other than quick visits to my mom’s house in Rhode Island, and E’s folks’ house in New Hampshire, I’ve just been at home in Revere. It looks like September is going to be more of the same, but, October? Oh man, is October going to be different! I’ll be visiting a new-to-me continent (number 5), and a country I’ve been hoping to visit ever since I represented it at my high school’s Model UN. I’m currently making visa preparations and reading about the food and, in particular, the tea! So, stay tuned for that announcement, and, in the meantime, check out what you…

  • The Great European Adventure

    Budapest: Last Look

    The one place almost no one skips when they visit Budapest is the Széchenyi Thermal Baths. Photos of the bright blue outdoor pools juxtaposed with the buildings’ yellow facades have become quintessential images of this city. My advice if you choose to visit the thermal baths (which you absolutely should because, hello, 3 outdoor and 15 indoor pools easily accessible via public transit) is to bring a friend. I’m all for solo travel, but soaking in a hot tub is most enjoyable when interspersed with blissed-out conversation, so grab someone from your hostel before you head over or get friendly in the locker room.

  • The Great European Adventure,  Travel Tips

    Solo Travel and Self Care in Budapest

    Budapest would be the end of my solo travels, at least for a few weeks. It was my last stop before meeting up with my friend, Katie, and I had big plans for my last few days alone. But, by the time I arrived, I was tired. I’d been on the road for 6 weeks, and I hadn’t been sleeping well the last few nights. Other travelers told me that caving was the thing to do in Budapest, and exploring the underground cave system beneath the city sounded awesome! But… the tour I was hoping to enjoy included climbing and crawling through narrow passageways, and I wondered if I had…

  • The Great European Adventure,  Travel Tips

    Why Prague is a Best Bet for Your First Solo Trip to Europe

    If I’m being honest with myself, Prague is a very popular tourist destination, but its Eastern European location and fairytale architecture make me feel like I’ve discovered something unique and secret. And while Prague is a unique city, it’s not a secret. Prague hosts 4.1 million international tourists a year and, in 2011, Prague was the sixth most visited city in Europe. I don’t have statistics on how many backpackers visit Prague each year, but I can give you a rough estimate: a whole lot. While some backpackers are looking for “off the beaten path” destinations, the fact that there are so many visitors to Prague year around is a…

  • Link Round-Ups,  Travel Inspiration

    Weekly Travel Linkspiration

    Maybe I should stop trying to fit words into other words…. While I ponder my syntactical choices, you should check out these awesome links from around the travel blogosphere: Spain, How do I say goodbye? from The Big Travel Theory: Jessica waxes poetic on what sounds like an amazing 6 weeks living in Vilanova i la Geltrú, a small town outside of Barcelona, which I have had the privilege of visiting. Why I Decided to Travel Solo for a While from Keep Calm and Travel: Sometimes travel bloggers gloss over how big a decision it is to travel solo and jump straight to advising their readers to do it, but Klelia…