I spent July settling into my new apartment in Revere, MA, watching Orange is the New Black, and attempting to take my writing career seriously. The rumors are true: freelancing isn’t easy.
The one trip I took in July was to a lakeside cabin in New Hampshire where I spent a few days with some of my oldest friends.

What were you up to last month? Did you happen to read any of these awesome travel articles?
Jodi Ettenberg of Legal Nomads wrote a piece for Medium about how travel gives us perspective, and it’s an insightful, complex read.
Shannon O’Donnell of A Little Adrift shares with Vagabondish readers: 5 Ways to Connect More Deeply on Your Travels. Her advice is intelligent and culturally sensitive, and, as someone who keeps a journal in addition to her blog, I particularly liked suggestion #5.
Stephanie Yoder of Twenty-Something Travel often writes concise, informative travel articles, so, it was interesting to read her piece on Boston’s North End, which has a more narrative arc and focuses on her Italian heritage.
Dalene and Pete Heck of Hecktic Travels have spent the last 5 weeks in Poland, and I’ve been adoring all of their content, but this post on milk bars was especially good. I agree with Dalene, this is a Polish food experience that’s not to be missed.
The New York Times ran a much-shared-amongst-travel-bloggers story, which serves as an excellent primer to this industry. If you’re at all interested in what travel bloggers do or how they make a living, you should definitely read this article.
And, finally, while I usually try to keep the links in these round-ups limited to current content, I had never seen this video by Black Sheep Films before, and decided to throw it into the mix. It’s not specifically travel-related, but has some lovely shots of Buenos Aires. Plus, the concept is sort of surreal and absurdist. Just watch.