The Great European Adventure,  Travel Inspiration

Weekly Travel Inspiration: Instagramming Paris

I spent last week in Paris with my mother. And I discovered a new obsession.


Sacre Coeur

Paris is an amazingly photogenic city. I felt like a wonderful photographer while I was there because I took so many beautiful photos, but I think it was less my photography skills and more the city’s innate charms that looked so good.


Nothing can beat seeing Paris for yourself, but I hope you’ll enjoy this sample of the photos I took there. I found that as awesome as these shots looked on their own, they also lended themselves well to instagram.


Winged Victory, at the Louvre

What I’m really enjoying about instagram is that it’s like a mini art project that you can do on the go. It has turned into a nice creative outlet for me because I can make something beautiful in just a few minutes. And maybe making truly beautiful things should and does take longer, but instagram is still a satisfying exercise for your creativity.


Notre Dame

So, if you can’t afford a trip to Paris right now, maybe you can do a little instagramming around your home town. It might not be quite as stunning as this famous French city, but maybe you’ll see the familiar in a new light.

Emma Holliday is well-traveled. After 5 years in Boston, she and her husband upended their lives to move to Berlin where she is currently writing a (funny) book about travel and grief and attempting to learn German.

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