• Link Round-Ups,  Travel Inspiration

    Travel Linkspiration July 2013

    I spent July settling into my new apartment in Revere, MA, watching Orange is the New Black, and attempting to take my writing career seriously. The rumors are true: freelancing isn’t easy. The one trip I took in July was to a lakeside cabin in New Hampshire where I spent a few days with some of my oldest friends. What were you up to last month? Did you happen to read any of these awesome travel articles? Jodi Ettenberg of Legal Nomads wrote a piece for Medium about how travel gives us perspective, and it’s an insightful, complex read. Shannon O’Donnell of A Little Adrift shares with Vagabondish readers: 5…

  • Meta-Blogging

    It’s My One-Year Blogiversary!

    One year ago today, I published my first post on An Opportune Moment. Over the course of this last year, I’ve interned in Washington, DC, backpacked Europe for 3 and a half months, WWOOFed in Hawai’i, and roadtripped down the East Coast of the United States. I’ve crisscrossed New England, enjoyed countless cups of tea, competed in a film slam, and made a list of 25 things to do before I turn 25. I’ve hitchhiked, couchsurfed, felt lonely in foreign countries, and found out that I’m an optimist. I’ve traveled solo, with friends, with family, and I was even there when my boyfriend, E, flew on a plane for the…

  • Meta-Blogging

    Upcoming (Mis)Adventures!

    Remember my first blog post? Well this is my 100th! What?! I know, I’m excited, too. You know what else I’m excited about? My travel plans for the month of May! After six weeks spent crisscrossing New England (Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Vermont), I’m heading a bit farther afield by going on a… Road Trip! On May 10th, I’m heading down to DC to meet up with two of my best friends from college and begin a week-long road trip to Miami! Places we intend to stop along the way (but which are subject to change and subject to your input, fair reader) include: Williamsburg, VA Virginia Beach,…