• Hawaiian Summer Camp,  Tea Tuesday

    Tea Tuesday: Brewsday

    This Tea Tuesday, I’m mixing it up and writing about another brewed beverage — beer! E’s sister, Farley, and a few other people at the farm are home brewers who regularly make beer for the enjoyment of the rest of us. It rained this afternoon, which meant working on the land wasn’t an option, so everyone decided to tap a keg instead (great work ethic here). When I asked Far about it, she gave me the beginner’s guide to brewing beer, and told me about the type we drank this evening. Now, I’ve been on a few brewery tours, so I was aware of the basic fact that beer is…

  • The Great European Adventure

    Drinking is an Important Part of the Culture…

    My brother and I were in Edinburgh just long enough to walk the royal mile, eat some haggis, and drink some scotch. This is my brother, by the way, he’ll be joining us for the posts about the UK. You may notice that he’s carrying an umbrella. That’s because during our time in Edinburgh it rained, a lot. As a result, we found a culturally appropriate activity for a rainy afternoon– The Scotch Whisky Experience My brother really enjoys Scotch, and I had a lovely afternoon here, even as a newbie Scotch drinker. If you visit their website, you’ll notice that it’s a bit Disneyesque, and the tour even begins…