During May, I roadtripped through the Southeastern United States, spent a weekend in rural Maine, and visited Canada for the second time in my life. I took a photo of this Moose Mountie in Toronto’s CN Tower. He looks like a fun guy, no?
In case you missed it, here’s what else happened around the internet in May:
Ever in Transit ponders how travelers hope to make deep connections with places and people, but admits this isn’t always possible.
Remember what I learned in Amsterdam? Well, Ali’s Adventures learned a similar lesson and explains how she’s ignoring what she should do while traveling in favor of what she wants to do. I guess Amsterdam is a good place for revelations about personal travel.
Reid on Travel‘s how-to posts charm me again with their handwritten headers and snarky yet encouraging tone. This time he’s teaching readers how to make a travel video, and I’m taking notes. Get excited, because I’m getting into video.
Looking for a poetic longform piece? Girl, Unstoppable writes about border crossings in South East Asia and traveling as a black woman — important stuff you should be reading.
Other sociological topics worth thinking about via The New York Times Opinionator blog: Rich Tourist, Poor Tourist is an amusing and informative piece about the respective histories of luxury and budget tourism.
LLWorldTour had the privilege of visiting Bhutan, and her post on trekking in the Bumthang Valley provides an interesting introduction to a country where tourism is limited, visitors are required to have a tour guide, and penises are symbols of good luck. Seriously, just read the post.
The HostelBookers blog featured this gem last month: Five Terrible Tourist Photos and How You Can Do Better. Snappy, judgmental title aside, it’s an inspiring article full of photography advice (and visual examples) that I’m taking to heart.
Eat Your World is quite possibly my new favorite blog, and I loved this mouthwatering post on what to eat in the Senegalese capital, Dakar. You may remember that I have a friend working for the Peace Corps in Senegal and visiting this country is on my list of 25 things to do before I turn 25, so I’m counting this read as “research.”
Vang Vieng, Laos was known as one of the wildest stops on the South East Asian backpacker trail, but what’s it like now that the Lao government has cracked down on the party scene? Backpacks and Bunkbeds shares tips for enjoying Vang Vieng’s new, laid-back atmosphere, and thinks this town is definitely still worth visiting.
Because I can’t seem to get through one of these link round-ups without at least one reference to Spain, here’s Hola Yessica‘s post on 6 things to do in Ibiza other than party. I had no idea this infamous island had so much going for it!
Paper Planes feels apprehensive about going home to the United States after two years living in Thailand. Expats and long-term travelers will relate to this open and honest post.
And to round-out this round-up, here’s a video of the Danang International Fireworks Competition:
What have you been reading lately? Leave your recommendations in the comments!
Jessica of HolaYessica
Thanks very much for the link! I’m glad you enjoyed the Ibiza piece. 🙂
You’re welcome! I had no interest in visiting Ibiza because I thought all there was to do was party (which is fine, but not how I want to spend a trip, I like more of a mix of activities), but after reading your piece it sounds much more appealing.